During COVID-19, I chopped my hair short and stopped dying it. Ever since, I've embraced my grey hair, thinking it cool or chic. Other women around the same age as me also embraced their natural locks. We were a part of this cool Vermont trend. And then it happened. The other day, a young man/punk walked by me and said, "How you doin, Grandma?" My inner child, the one called four eyes in middle school because I wore glasses, became infuriated, and I did not have a what would Jesus do moment. My response was visceral, and I felt my middle finger rise. I hope you are laughing right now because this is so out of character. My hand was at my side, so no one saw, but I knew what I did was wrong. I felt hatred, but God asks us to overflow with love for others. God never asks us to be perfect, but he wants us to love others, and if you, as I did, have a response that wasn't so loving, we can ask for forgiveness, ask for Jesus' help to love others that rub us the wrong way and move on.
Philippians 1:9 says, "I pray that your love will overflow more and more and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding."
Great topic Heather! It's definitely one not talked about often and one that you just have to try to figure it out on your own, at least for me anyway.
20 gen 2024
Amen, Heather! These words are so true and encouraging right now!
01 gen 2024
Thank you, Heather, for your beautiful post. I alwasy feel so much love and encouragement from reading your blog posts <3
Thanks for sharing
Love this ❤️
We are definitely going to try out this recipe!
Great topic Heather! It's definitely one not talked about often and one that you just have to try to figure it out on your own, at least for me anyway.
Amen, Heather! These words are so true and encouraging right now!
Thank you, Heather, for your beautiful post. I alwasy feel so much love and encouragement from reading your blog posts <3